Originating in the region of Eretz Yisrael and Syria in the early 10th century CE, Codex Sassoon’s whereabouts were unknown for over 600 years to be rediscovered in 1929. Acquired on May 17th, 2023, by Ambassador Alfred H. Moses and gifted to ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, the Codex has made its momentous journey to the land of Israel, the birthplace of the Jewish People and where they created and bequeathed the eternal Bible to the entire world.

Codex Sassoon is the earliest, most complete Hebrew Bible in existence. It offers precious evidence of the history of the Tanakh text and reveals its continued relevance and source of meaning and wisdom today.  Thanks to the generosity of Ambassador Moses, this singular Hebrew Bible is now on permanent display to the public at ANU – Museum of the Jewish People.
Her ways are pleasant ways,
And all her paths, peaceful.
She is a tree of life to those who grasp her,
And whoever holds on to her is happy.
“The Hebrew Bible is the most influential book in history and constitutes the bedrock of Western civilization. I rejoice in knowing that it belongs to the Jewish People. It was my mission, realizing the historic significance of Codex Sassoon, to see that it resides in a place with global access to all people. In my heart and mind that place was the land of Israel, the cradle of Judaism, where the Hebrew Bible originated. In Israel at ANU, it will be preserved for generations to come as the centerpiece, a gem and a crown of the entire and extensive display and presence of the Jewish story.”
Ambassador Alfred H. Moses


The story of the Codex itself is a story of tradition and creativity, of displacement, migration, and rediscovery—much like the story of the Jewish people itself. During the past century, the Codex was privately owned and is now entrusted to ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, for the benefit of the public at large.

Containing all 24 books of the Tanakh, the Codex embodies the cultural and religious heritage of the Jewish People: the story of creation, the birth story of the People of Israel, the story of the covenant between Israel and God, and the laws that God commanded them, the moral teachings of the Prophets, and the Wisdom Literature.
Codex Sassoon includes punctuation, vowels, cantillation marks, and an extensive collection of text-critical notes known as the Masorah. Only one other full Hebrew Bible dating from this early period has survived into the modern era: the Aleppo Codex. However, almost two-fifths of the Aleppo Codex were lost, including the vast majority of the Torah and parts of the Prophets and Writings. By contrast, Codex Sassoon contains almost the entirety of the Tanakh.

Copied, printed, and translated into scores of languages the world over, the Hebrew Bible constitutes the most influential book of human history and the bedrock of Western culture. Codex Sassoon is the seminal, historic copy of this holiest of books.
“This particular Hebrew Bible is one of those rare historical documents that both teaches and transports, that is both time-bound and timeless. In its pages we not only learn about the past but gain insight for the present and perhaps even glimpse a hint of the future.”

Shaul Seidler-Feller | Author and Scholar of Jewish History, Specialist in Sotheby’s Books and Manuscripts Department


We stand at the threshold of an incredible, exceptionally rare opportunity—the chance to safeguard this crown of the Jewish story. Since its purchase by David Sassoon in 1929, the Codex has only been displayed publicly once—in 1982. Now, with Ambassador Moses’s gift of the codex to ANU, our task of ensuring its preservation for the entire Jewish People and the world begins.

We are establishing an exclusive Guardians of the Codex society to help fund, maintain, preserve, and share the legacy of Codex Sassoon with the entirety of the Jewish People and the world for posterity.

The founding members of the Guardians of the Codex will be acknowledged as keepers of this historic document of the eternal Jewish People.

Benefits include:

  • Your name will be featured in the Codex gallery.
  • You will be invited to mark important life-cycle events with a tailor-made and meaningful program surrounding the Codex.
  • You will be a member of an exceptional and exclusive society of peers.
  • You will have the option for naming opportunities for public programs, series endowments, and educational projects.
“Codex Sassoon is a transformative witness to how the Hebrew Bible has influenced the pillars of civilization—art, culture, law, politics—for centuries.”
Dr. Sharon Mintz | Senior Consultant Judaica, Books and Manuscripts to Sotheby’s
Curator of Jewish Art, The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary


We are turning to our friends and supporters to join us on this crucial imperative of safeguarding the Codex.

Preserve the Legacy of Codex Sassoon

The care and dedication that preserved Codex Sassoon for over a millennium provides testimony to the esteem in which it was held. We are establishing the Guardians of the Codex to help fund, maintain, preserve, and share its legacy with the public. Guardians are unique individuals, organizations, and corporations who understand the value of protecting this cornerstone of our people for present and future generations.

Be Part of History in the Making

  • On view for the public: Guardians of the Codex will ensure that the Codex is accessible to all who wish to view it.
  • Preserving for the Future: The Codex is a living manuscript that needs to be kept under special conditions, periodically restored, and insured.
  • Learning and Inspiration: For thousands of years, the Codex has been a source of wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. The tradition of study and interpretation renewed in each generation allows everyone to discover new insights and personal meaning in these ancient words. Funding will support the development of rich educational programming for schoolchildren from all over the world and of exciting public programs to engage museum visitors from around the globe.
  • Historical Insights: Within the Codex’s pages lie annotations and inscriptions that provide a unique window into the history of the Levant during the Middle Ages, and which shed light on our understanding of the Biblical text itself. The preservation of the Codex will allow students and scholars alike to gain new and timely insights from its study.
  • Your support will help us share these valuable historical insights with the world.

Your Investment will Ensure the Safeguarding of the Eternal Codex for the Future

The founding members of the Guardians of the Codex will be recognized as keepers of this historic document for the eternal Jewish People. Have your name inscribed as a member of Guardians of the Codex with a gift of $100,000 and above.

ANU – Museum of the Jewish People is more than a museum: It is a unique global institution that tells the ongoing and extraordinary story of the Jewish People. ANU celebrates Jewish diversity. It is a relevant, vital, and significant center that focuses on trends affecting and challenges facing world Jewry. With over 72,000 square feet of exhibition space, it is the most comprehensive museum of its kind in the world. A landmark international destination, ANU sets new standards of engagement and resonates universally.



A rare treasure and a cornerstone of the Jewish People

Inscribe my name as a member of
Guardians of the Codex at $100,000 and above

© ANU Museum of the Jewish People 2024